Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Praying outside the mosque in Jama Masjid 

Finding Gamthiwala is half the fun; the other half is going through stacks and stacks of hand printed block fabrics. The shop is located next door to the mausaleum of Ahmed Shah in the back of the very large Jama Mosque in Old Town.  But which of the Jama Mosque door leads to the mausoleum? Do we leave our shoes at the door or can we place them sole to sole as you place your hands for prayer and pick them up on the way out?  Is it the east, west, or south door? So we try them all passing goats and disturbing a hen with her chicks.

And Gamthiwala turns out to be better than expected. C finds it. The entry way is a narrow  door next to a pol and the climb up to the second floor is worth it all.  Cottons and silks, double dipped indigo and silks with cotton backings are all separated according to fabric and price. No pressure to buy anything. We have 30 minutes for the store is run by Muslims and they go to prayer and lunch at 2. Scarves are pulled out, fabrics can be touched and smoothed. It's this textile lover's paradise

Gamthiwala:s door 
Mausoleum of Ahmed Shah

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